Friday, 1 March 2013

Resitting for MUET

When MUET results came out in January, there was an uproar. Suddenly, the English Wing  was a popular place for all students. All the English lecturers have to be part time counsellors and guardians to these students(wink,wink). They wanted to know if they can recheck their results. Some wanted to find out the procedure to resit for MUET in February and March. According to Azlan, The Headcount and MUET Coordinator, more than 750 students registered  to resit for MUET. Wow!! These students just want to make sure that their MUET results can help them to get the desired course in the universities of their choices. What I can do to help my own students to prepare for the second MUET examination, is to refresh their knowledge on the 2 skills; Speaking and Writing. As for Reading, I gave them exercises to do on their own. Good luck to all my angels!

Research Project.

Currently, I am swamped with students' research project. For this semester in WB023, it is compulsory for all students to carry out a mini research.Briefly, this is what I usually do.First, I will group them in threes or fours. Next, find a suitable topic and ask for their lecturers' approval. Then comes the next step, that is the Introduction. The students will have to show the Objective, Statement of Problem and Hypotheses to me. The next part is the Methodology. As for myself, I prefer my students to  design a set of questions. Upon agreeing and approving their questionnaire, these students will have to photocopy and distribute them to the selective respondents.When that part is done, the students will tabulate and analyse the data. Later , they will write their conclusion, suggestions and recommendations. At first, some students (especially my Accounts students) are struggling to understand what this is all about . However, through guidance, trials and errors, they manage to come up with decent projects. The book 'English WBO23 For Matriculation Students" which they are currently using, is a tremendous help. I would recommend for all lecturers to utilize the book.
