Friday, 3 August 2012

Teacher talk - Lessen it...

I've been thinking a lot about this every time I carry out my P&P. Perhaps, it's me being an English teacher - the tendency for me to talk and explain is higher then the students themselves. In any language lesson (well... depending on the skills that we are focusing), we should give every opportunity for the students to talk more. I suppose every English teacher realises this. Unfortunately, in actual practice - for myself actually, I tend to talk more than the students themselves. Of course such is not done on purpose, as I like to explain and re-explain the tasks, instructions, etc - and as a result - at the end of the lesson, it's the teacher who does more talking than the students. Besides, it's not easy to remain calm and keep on encouraging the students to talk and respond when the students themselves refuse to give their views, etc. They can just pretend as if nothing happens or nothing is expected from them. I remember one instance that I actually asked all the students to stand and only those who responded were allowed to sit. And the scenario changed drastically. They responded in such enthusiasm - beyond my imagination - and the class was boisterous! I then realised that, we have to take some "cruel" measure - to the point of forcing the students to speak up. Only then would they actually want to take part...