Thursday, 8 March 2012


when you ask students to do research,
they do a search for information,
but you do a research into your soul
to understand their research,
and they search for you
and tell you that they have not completed their research,
you search for ways to show your anger,
then they present their research,
you search their research and research their search,
oh, the perils of doing research!

Intellectual discussion-Idayu

Finally, it's my turn, Pemakanan Sihat or Healthy Eating Habits.....It's done...
Good respond from the audience and now they have the knowledge but do they have the will to follow it????


To all of the English lecturers,

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the cooperation and commitment given by all of the English language lecturers in making the 2012 English Week a success. Thanks everybody!!

Student Activity Committee

Speaking Activity

I had a speaking activity with my F3  practicum yesterday and was quite impressed with the way they put forth their point of view ( I always underestimate this group of students as they being the "Physics" students!!!) but they made me change my perception on them yesterday. Hopefully this kind of participation will continue and i think the right kind of activity will encourage the right kind of response.


Hi everyone... this week my whole lessons centered on 'Mariah' the short story by Che Husna Azhari which caused frenzy discussions concerning the role of females and males in the society.  It saddened me to know that most of my students have very constricted views on what females and males should behave or do/ don't.  And they are really set in their beliefs too.. sighhh ... what to do ya friends? - Thini


Giving surat amaran helps. Students are afraid to skip as the letters are sent to their parents. Give the letter infront of all the students in the class.

Is this your own work?

"..but Teacher, I didn't plagiarise coz I retyped everything from the Internet. I didn't copy and paste directly. So, it's my own work"
Should I conduct a lesson on PLAGIARISM 101 for our students? - Sabina