Friday, 3 August 2012

Teacher talk - Lessen it...

I've been thinking a lot about this every time I carry out my P&P. Perhaps, it's me being an English teacher - the tendency for me to talk and explain is higher then the students themselves. In any language lesson (well... depending on the skills that we are focusing), we should give every opportunity for the students to talk more. I suppose every English teacher realises this. Unfortunately, in actual practice - for myself actually, I tend to talk more than the students themselves. Of course such is not done on purpose, as I like to explain and re-explain the tasks, instructions, etc - and as a result - at the end of the lesson, it's the teacher who does more talking than the students. Besides, it's not easy to remain calm and keep on encouraging the students to talk and respond when the students themselves refuse to give their views, etc. They can just pretend as if nothing happens or nothing is expected from them. I remember one instance that I actually asked all the students to stand and only those who responded were allowed to sit. And the scenario changed drastically. They responded in such enthusiasm - beyond my imagination - and the class was boisterous! I then realised that, we have to take some "cruel" measure - to the point of forcing the students to speak up. Only then would they actually want to take part...

Thursday, 26 July 2012


This week is a week of speeches for my students..they were asked to give 1) birthday speech 2) graduation speech 3) wedding speech 4) funeral speech 5) informative speech 6) demonstrative speech 7) persuasive speech...

Students really enjoyed this activity especially when their friends were doing funeral speech...they should pretend that they were at the funeral but some of them were laughing....

Most students asked their friends to be a model when they were giving speech.. for instance...they asked their friends to be birthday girl/boy...asked their friend to be husband and wife for wedding ceremony...and some of them also asked their friends to be the dead body for funeral speech...

In conclusion...well done to all my have done a good job....

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Dear friends,
                         Since the essay writing will determine the students' grade  in English paper in PSPM 2, I've asked  the students to come up with appropriate topic sentences and elaborate them well.I've realised that they should be given ample exercises in creating topic sentences based on the essay title given and also the process of writing supporting details of each paragraph.   


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Guess this would be my few last times writing here.:( By next semester, I'll be settling down in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan..If I could, I wanted to remain here, to continue my service in heart belongs here..but who am I to ask for the impossible? Nevertheless, I'll keep on praying, begging for Almighty God's intervention, praying that I'd be back in KMPP in no time..So my dear friends, do pray for me too..Thank You.- Sabina

Monday, 9 July 2012

MUET Speaking

I had this insight after reading Kaz's post on MUET Speaking, so I would to share what I did with my students with all of you in case it can also benefit you and your students.

You remember, right, that I said MUET Speaking questions have 3 levels- personal/individual; societal/national; and international? Having known this, I make sure that before the Speaking Test, the students had attempted all these 3 types of questions.

I just brought one question, made copies for all groups (that means all groups attempting the same question) then taught them how to answer the question (in terms of what to say, what points to raise, etc). I have to warn that this takes time, so sometimes we only had time for Task A. Task B had to be done on another day. Remind yourself (I did this all the time) that we are focussing on THE PROCESS and not THE PRODUCT.

The other thing I did was to use past year questions. This also works as some of the questions are often repeated but with a new twist. However, do not take recent question, that is if for 2012, do not use questions from 2010 or 2011. Use questions that are like 5 years back as there are more chances of the questions to be repeated.

Hope this has been helpful and beneficial to you.

-Shariza Abbas

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Last two days I attended  a course on 5S internal audit.  Personally I feel 5S is actually a good thing but to achieve it will definitely take time.. It does not help that we face lots of constraints especially in terms of budget and time.   But I guess the biggest obstacle actually comes from us.  It is up to us to make things work - 5S should be done in phases - so work at it slowly but surely.. If we do not start now.. then when..  


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Reading Past Year Questions

Dear friends, we have two good news. First, if you wish to do English Semester 11 session 2008/2009 Reading Comprehension with your students, please get the copies from Puan Norhayati, Puan Wan Nor A'sikin or Puan Kazrina. The great news is we have the answers too!

Kaz, Yatie and Syikin

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

English Week 2012

Dear friends, these are some pics taken during our English Week 2012.

Monday, 11 June 2012

reading comp - past year questions

Hello fellow mates,
These past year questions sets are really useful. In fact, the questions are better than the book we are using for practice because the answers are controversial and some are wrong.
I think we should pool together the resources to create the questionnaire bank. It would be really helpful for both lecturers and the students.


MUET Reading past year questions

Dear friends,
If you need to use Reading past year questions with your students, I have both Mid and End 2010 Reading papers plus the answers. Feel free to get a copy from me if you wish to use them with your students.


Friday, 8 June 2012

MUET Speaking Practice

Salam and hi everyone,
I noticed that my students perform better in MUET speaking practice in class after watching the recording of Mock MUET Speaking Test by Pearson. It shows not only the recording of the MUET speaking test but also explicit comments and marks given by the examiners.

For those who do not have this CD, feel free to come and borrow it from me.


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

A Winner's Journey

Salam and hello everyone. Just want to share with all of you one of my must-do-activities in class with my students. I have shared this poem with my students since 2001 and the result is indescribably AWESOME! It has been given to me by a dear friend but too bad that both of us do not know who is the writer of this lovely poem.

When I started my teaching here, I noticed that the students always looked down, demotivated, lack of self-esteem and no self -confidence. Well, until now we can say that one of the most serious problems faced by our students is lack of self motivation and confidence! The problems seem to be more noticeable during their early few days here.The words "CONFUSED, PETRIFIED, WORRIED, PUZZLED, ANXIOUS", etc are clearly written on their faces. I hate the idea of going to class and have to teach a bunch of gloomy, depressed and somber students, thus I know that I have to do something to cheer them up. This poem, entitled "A Winner's Journey" is one of my approaches to help to motivate my students and it fruitfully works!

A Winner's Journey

Sometimes when life gets tough
as the smooth journey becomes rough
just close your eyes and pray
Tell yourself that it will be okey

Stay calm, be wise and think
Of where this journey is taking you
And the fine result that it will bring
Once your dream comes true

And if sometimes you happen to fall,
Remember, your struggle is not in vain
Remember, please, you are worth it all
For you have so much more to gain

Though the road to success may seem far
Just trudge on through with dignity
And be proud of who you are
For you are on your way to victory

And once you reach your journey's end
You can tell your foes and friends
Of what you have done, where you have gone
And proudly say....
The battle is over and I HAVE WON.....!!

This poem will definitely uplift their spirits if we can apply each of the stanza to real life experience of ours or others to be shared with the students. Normally, I will ask all of the students to read it silently before I ask for volunteers to recite the poem aloud to the whole class.Then, the most crucial part which will determine the effectiveness of this lesson is the elaboration of the poem. I will go through each of the stanza with students by clarifying, explaining and sharing experiences of my own, my friends, my ex-students, etc that are related to the meaning of the poem. I will also relate to some of the stories, experience and success of my ex-students to further illustrate the poem to the students. The elaboration part will take up to 30 minutes depending on how you elaborate the poem and relate stories with them. Of course some motivational skills are required here (ehem, ehem) And my favourite part is when I talk about their parents hope and wish that they have to fulfill.  Believe me, the whole class will be in tears including myself, hehe! 

After the elaboration, I will discuss with them the meaning of certain words and phrases in the poem such as "dignity, in vain, trudge on, worth, struggle and foes". Then, I will ask the students to write their own poem entitled " My Journey to Success". At the end of the class, I will collect the poems, mark them and return to the students in the following lesson. I will ask them to write their poems nicely on a piece of paper, laminate, and paste it on their lockers in their rooms.

Some might think that this lesson is not 'English" enough and will not help the students to answer their English paper later. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that we must help the students not only to pass the examination, but also to pass their lives successfully and meaningfully.Until now, I am proud that this simple but nifty poem has touched so many hearts and souls and most of my ex-students remember me for this poem and also other poems that I have given to inspire them from time to time during my English lesson.
Ok then, have a nice day everyone!


Monday, 4 June 2012


Hi everyone...
Since this is our unit's first blog, all of u are welcome to join this blog and share your thoughts.
Hopefully all of us will get some inputs that can be used in our P&P later. Tq.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


when you ask students to do research,
they do a search for information,
but you do a research into your soul
to understand their research,
and they search for you
and tell you that they have not completed their research,
you search for ways to show your anger,
then they present their research,
you search their research and research their search,
oh, the perils of doing research!

Intellectual discussion-Idayu

Finally, it's my turn, Pemakanan Sihat or Healthy Eating Habits.....It's done...
Good respond from the audience and now they have the knowledge but do they have the will to follow it????


To all of the English lecturers,

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the cooperation and commitment given by all of the English language lecturers in making the 2012 English Week a success. Thanks everybody!!

Student Activity Committee

Speaking Activity

I had a speaking activity with my F3  practicum yesterday and was quite impressed with the way they put forth their point of view ( I always underestimate this group of students as they being the "Physics" students!!!) but they made me change my perception on them yesterday. Hopefully this kind of participation will continue and i think the right kind of activity will encourage the right kind of response.


Hi everyone... this week my whole lessons centered on 'Mariah' the short story by Che Husna Azhari which caused frenzy discussions concerning the role of females and males in the society.  It saddened me to know that most of my students have very constricted views on what females and males should behave or do/ don't.  And they are really set in their beliefs too.. sighhh ... what to do ya friends? - Thini


Giving surat amaran helps. Students are afraid to skip as the letters are sent to their parents. Give the letter infront of all the students in the class.

Is this your own work?

"..but Teacher, I didn't plagiarise coz I retyped everything from the Internet. I didn't copy and paste directly. So, it's my own work"
Should I conduct a lesson on PLAGIARISM 101 for our students? - Sabina